Sunday, November 2, 2008


I have been reading in the book of Proverbs lately...sad to say I have not been in my Bible all that much these days though; life with 2 kids has gotten me off track. I need to find that track though, because I truly sense a difference in myself when I'm in the Word consistently. Anyway, for the past month or so, when I do pick up the Bible, I read proverbs. I saw Joey reading in that book for quite some time so I thought I would peep it out myself.

I don't have a particular scripture that comes to my mind, just this thought: I think it is so cool how the Bible is applicable to our everyday life. It fascinates me really. I can read a particular verse at just the right time in my life, and it will totally change a situation I am in. What is so cool is that someone a hundred years ago very well may have been in a similar situation, read the same verse, and again, something miraculous may have happened for them too.

Well I reckon that's why Hebrews 4 talks about the Word of God being living and active. Alive. It is the only book that when you read it, it reads you. I love that! That is why the same scriptures that folks read wayyyyy back in the day, and that they lived by and were encouraged through, can still do the very same thing for us. It's really quite mind boggling when you think about it.

How cool of God to leave us with the Bible. I take it for granted sometimes. That is, until I pick it up, and read a verse that so points to where I'm at in life...and I'm yet again back in awe of what an amazing God we serve.

1 comment:

Charity said...

So so true, I can't even count how many times this has happened to me, I need a word for my situation and bam i open the bible and the answer is right there, maybe a scripture I've read a thousand times , but this time..... so true so true