Monday, November 24, 2008

Come on E, sing it

Isaiah 30:18 has become one of my favorite verses, I wanted to share it here:

" Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you, He rises to show you compassion."

That amazes me. God. The same God that created the world; the same God that breathed life into my mothers womb; the same God that saved me from the destructive path that I was on, that God - He longs to be gracious to me. TO ME. It amazes me. It really does not get any better than that.

No matter what you have done, or have not done. No matter where you are at in life, no matter what you may think of yourself...I have news for you; God longs to be gracious to you...and that's not all; He rises to show you compassion.

God is not up in heaven with a baseball bat ready to knock you upside the head for any wrong you have done. He is not up there saying to the angels "yep, look at what Jen did now. Can't she ever get it together?" No. He longs to be gracious. He wants nothing more than to bestow grace and mercy on our tear stained souls. He is a gracious God. He is a merciful God. So merciful that he sent His only Son to this earth, to become man, to take on the sins of this world, so that He, God, could be gracious to us. Amazing. It really, really does not get any better than that.


Charity said...

Amen, I was just telling a college kid at work that last night, he is so hard on himself!!

By the way, how did you get this page, it looks awesome!

Jess the Mess said...

Thats a good message sister. Very tru and so easy to forget sometimes too...

Charity, I dont think she is going to tell us how to get a fancey page like that....she wants to have the best!