Saturday, May 26, 2012

Look out Four year olds, Lily's on the scene

On May 7th, the most awesome Four year old was added to the rest of the Four year old kids around; all of them no doubt being dubbed "the most awesome Four year old" by their own parents. But clearly they are all wrong, because I have the most awesome Four year old! Lily Rae is such an amazing kid - and I don't use that word often as it's an incredibly over-used word. But she really is just that, amazing. So hang tight as I pen the usual birthday letter to my amazing youngest girl, Lily Rae. Lily, I just love that you have such a great personality! You are quirky as all get out. You have been dressing yourself since I can remember, and you don't really like to match. Most of the time, if I suggest something because it matches, you turn me down and say that you don't like to match. But then again, every so often you decide you do want to match. Hence the quirkiness that is you. You are attempting to grow your hair out as long as Rapunzels hair and you quickly shoot down the thought of a hair cut. Although you have bangs. And for that, I apologize. I chopped them so short a few years ago and hence, you are now stuck with them. We try to grow them out but you just let them hang in your face so it clearly is not working! You have a tender head and whine every time I comb your hair. Every time. You love your dad. Oh man, do you love that man! You demand snuggle time as often as you can. You eat his breakfast every morning with your own spoon. You have his breakfast dialed down you probably could make it yourself if you knew how to nuke oatmeal in the microwave. You often refer to him as "Handsome Daddy" or "Handsome one." (Excuse me, as you run in my room just now to report that sissy is labeling you a bad cuddler. Don't worry Lil, it's not true. You cuddle like nobody's business.) You have been going to Pre-School two days a week for a few months now and have grown to like it. You hate nap time, but you no longer cry for it so that's good. Miss Cindy is your teacher and you have grown quite fond of her. You cling to me at drop off still, but that's ok, so did your big sis when she went. You often tell me about your new best friend, but sadly you forget her name! I love your vocabulary! I love that you use the word "bummer," and "impressive," all in the correct way. You constantly have us laughing around here; always saying something so crazy and cute. It upsets you greatly to think about Jesus having to die on the cross. You will often randomly say, "poor Jesus. He had to die on that cross." But then you are happy again when you remind yourself that He is alive now, and that He died for us, and for Stockton. And then you think about Him protecting my Grandpa in Heaven. You are so tender. And yet, you are incredibly strong willed. It often poses a struggle, but I can't wait to see how that will plays out in the decisions you make as you grow older. Something I don't really want to think about, you getting older! You promised your dad you would not grow up and you are not doing very well at keeping your promise little Miss! You love big. You love your toys like they are members of the family. You love your stuffed Zebra (Zebby) as if she was real. Zebby was the best $7 I have ever spent. We love you Putter. I think we will always call you Putter. Putter, Putty, Putt Putt. For awhile there you actually thought that was your name. Although in recent weeks you have changed your name to Jasmine and Carly. But for today, you are my little Lily. Please stop growing. After all, you promised.

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