Thursday, March 22, 2012


We have been a content family of four for nearly 4 years now & I see no change to our little world anytime soon. Of course, it's totally up to the Lord so I don't say that with full confidence or anything, just where we're at is all. God could interrupt our family any old time He wanted to, and we would be perfectly content with that as well.

Every now and again I like to see what the girls would think about God interrupting or family, so to speak. So at dinner tonight I posed the infamous question: "Would you girls want us to have another baby, a little brother or sister?"

Kate immediately responds with a "Not a little brother, they grow up to be drama!" Ok, dually noted. I'll remember that it's the boys that are dramatic the next time your room is colorful, not because of decoration but because of clothes that have fallen victim to the latest fashion crisis. Gotchya.

Lily decides that she would like one boy baby AND one girl baby because "it's not a lot, it's only two." Oooookkkk. Tell that to any mom with newborn twins. It's not a lot. It's only two.

Then we were discussing how daddy would love another girl, he does love having girls and has said numerous times he would like many more. And when I say many, I don't really know how many we are talking, but he would like many. I dare not ask.

Lily was not too keen on that as she said, "no he already loves us girls! He can't love another!"

Oh kids are fun. Some days I think I could handle more. Other days I thank God for giving me all I can handle.

It's always fun when God interrupts though, isn't it? Maybe it may not seem so fun at the time, depending on your interruption, but I love the promise given in Romans 8:28 - nothing we face will work against us. Everything we face will work for us. It has to. We love God, and that's His promise, to work all things for the good to those that love Him. So whatever interruptions you face today, perhaps they are not as cute as a sweet newborn babe, but no matter the interruption in life, you can be sure of one thing, it HAS to work for good. Somehow, someway, it has to work for good.

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