Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Finger lickin good

It hit me tonight, on the way home from Kate's ballet class; hunger. The famished kind. Almost could have passed out. Ok, that's dramatic. But still. Well, turns out that I had trail mix left over in my cup holder from my Target trip earlier today, where I also was hungry, it was lunch time though, cut me some slack man! Back to my drive; I excitedly began to munch it tonight in the car, as it was just one of those delightful little joys in life where you think, man, that is so cool how that worked out! Like, the last few french fries in the bottom of the McD's bag. Good times. Or the left over slice of pizza in the fridge that nobody got to. Or your kid comes home with a really fun goody bag from a party! Do I have food issues? Nah. Well anyway, it had chocolate in it. And it had been sitting in the car since lunch time. Did that stop me? No. I kept gleefully eating the trail mix. Until my right hand was covered in chocolate. And I was 20 minutes away from my destination. And the wipes were way in the back seat. And no way could I lick the chocolate off my fingers, I'm so anti finger lickin. I would not be a poster child for KFC, cuz aint nothin taste that good to make me lick my fingers. See, no food issues here! I'm speaking by faith. So anyway, I drove the rest of the way one-handed. The moral of the story here is this: don't eat melted chocolate in the car. Unless you have wipes.

The end.

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