Sunday, February 22, 2009

He hears

I know that God hears us when we pray; I pray with full faith that God is totally hearing me, that He is placing things into action to facilitate the answer that I need. Yes, I believe in the power of prayer.

Having said that, I tend to forget that God hears me when I'm just talking to Him, not really praying for anything in particular, just talking. I know He hears me, but sometimes I need to be reminded that I know it.

Just now, I was sitting down to read a bit before I go to bed, ya, it's 8:30 and I'm getting ready for bed, so what?! Anyway. I just was talking to the Lord briefly about different areas in my life that I feel are know how that goes right? You always have something you feel inadequate least I do. I found myself telling the Lord things about myself that I wish were different, and to even type them out here, well, it would sound so silly to you all. It's not physical, although I always am griping to the Lord about weight. Nope, tonight I was just talking to God about how I wish that I were smarter, had more to offer people...more value...things along those lines. I won't go into detail, but you get the gist right.

So I open a book that I have started to read before but had forgotten about. I decide to read the introduction, and was reminded that yes, I know God hears. The intro starts off talking about the time that Mary went to the tomb and was met by Jesus Himself! It goes on to say how Mary knew that Jesus cared deeply about her simply because He called her by name that day...this is the portion that jumped out at me:

"God knows each of you and cares for you just as He cared about Mary. He knows your name; you belong to Him (Isaiah 43:1). No matter who you are or what kind of baggage you carry with you, no matter what you look like or feel like, no matter what you do or don't do, God loves you just as you are right now. You don't have to get your act together, lose ten pounds, run a marathon, write a best-selling book, or raise perfect children. You are an extraordinary woman in His sight right now."

Ok, crazy right? Man. No sooner had I just finished talking to the Lord about all these attributes that I feel are lacking in myself, that I read that He thinks I'm extraordinary. I have never, ever used that word in describing myself but lookout guys, I may just have to start!

So there ya have it; the next time you start off on a list of things you want to change, remind yourself that you are already extraordinary!!!


Charity said...

Wow that was good, and very powerful! I needed to hear that too! It's funny I was just reading an article about stopping negative self talk, which as you know I do all the time. It said to commit to it for two weeks and see what happens and so here I am on day 2!
Anyway that was awesome!

Jess the Mess said...

That was great sis-just what I needed to hear this morning. I have been beating myself up about stuff and thinking that I missed my calling and all, that all I can do to serve God is offer help to anyone who needs it. I really wish I could be a missionary or travel or something and driving to my boring job this morning I was telling God how sorry I was that I wasnt driving to a place where I could be used. Maybe someday huh? But for now I am just fine the way I am so I can wait.Thats was a good word.

Jess the Mess said...

Oh and sister, you do so much more than you know. My life wouldnt be the same without you and your family in it. You are so steady and sure and reliable all the time, that in itself is extrordinary! You too Charity! Both of you gals work so hard to support the Body of Christ. Pat on the back to both of you-

Jennifer said...

Ok sis, for one, you are going to a place that you are being used. If not you, who would Eric turn to with his questions? And what about Rick? You just never know this side of Heaven who you impact. You don't have to travel just to help people. You help people all the time. And as silly as you may think it is, even helping me with the kids is ministry. Shoot, sometimes going on the mission field is easier than putting Joei & Jaden in the same room =)

Ronda said...

What a lifter to my day! Thanks for sharing it.

Marlene said...

OK, I just say something here... Jess, when I was reading your first comment, I was sitting here with my mouth hanging open cuz I couldn't even believe what I was reading! You know that I only know you a little tiny bit - just hi, how are you, bye - but even in that little bit I KNOW that you are being used by God waaaay more than you know!!! Hey, you've helped me, too, just by sitting at your computer and commenting on a blog! No traveling involved there! Sorry, I'm going on and on, but uuummmm... didn't you receive a special award recently? And ummmmm.....doesn't that show you that you are being used by God in your boring job??? And when He miraculously gave you that job He put you there because He trusted you and knew that you would be a light for Him to those around you. You are fulfilling your calling and He is so proud of you! And what about when you wrote about the stance you take on abortions? Do you know what I did after I read that? Because I feel the same way that you do about it, but realized that I really don't know the whole story about Roe v. Wade, I went out and bought two books by Norma McCorvey so I would know her story. Now when I talk about abortions, I can speak with some intelligence AND I learned about the ministry she now has! You see, my dear, you are shining His light in ways you don't even realize. Sorry, I don't mean to sound preachy or like I'm scolding you - I hope that's not how it sounds. And to apologize to God for going to a place where He put you is like Jaden telling you she's sorry for doing something that you asked her to do! So you just turn these thoughts around and thank Him for using you in the mighty way He already does. Just be YOU, the wonderful person He made, and you have no worries at all. Enjoy this life He's given you, with no pressure to perform, and remember how much He loves you. Just as you are. Do you feel my big hug??? :o )

Oh, and Jen, thanks for the good word. We all needed that. Love ya!

Marlene said...

Jess, I just went back and re-read what I wrote. I sincerely hope you don't think I was being bossy or anything, cuz it kinda sounded that way. It's just that I mean it soooo much in my heart. You are awesome and it made me sad to think that you thought otherwise. God knows your heart, and he loves that heart with all His heart.

Jennifer said...

Marlene, that was so nice what you shared with Jess. It did not sound preachy you crazy lady! You over think like me =)