My girls have tons of nicknames, I believe I've done a post about it before actually...but am too lazy to look for it! I just had to get this documented for future ref. Lily is showing me how she "skates" on the floor and I was cheering her on, "Go Lily!" She stopped and said, "my name is not Lily, my name is Putt Putt." That's one of her nicknames, Putt Putt. Putter, Putt Putt. She answers to any variation of it! So I wonder, does she really think that's her name? We do call her that often. Hmm. Lily Picadilly. That's another one. Skallywag. Rapscallion. But when I'm really trying to get Lily's attention, good old "Lily Rae" is usually the way to go.
Joei Kate, well, since she has changed her name to Kate, has quite a few new names. Kater Bater. Katie Bug. I often call her "my little Kate Kate." Skallywag. Rapscallion. Bear. All sorts...But, when trying to get her attention, she's Joei Kate.
What are some nicknames y'all have?