Saturday, April 19, 2014


I talk to myself, a lot. Out loud. In my car. It's just how I roll. And I talk to the Lord, a lot. Out loud. In my car. Again, it's how I roll. So the other day, I was worrying about something and contemplating what I know to be true about giving my worries to God. I know I need to give my worries to the Lord, I know that His Word assures me that if I cast my cares on Him that He will sort every last detail out. I know this. But sometimes my brain and my Spirit don't get along well, and my brain leads me one way while my Spirit reminds me what to do. Anyone?

So I found myself asking God a question out loud: "How do I give something over to you when I don't have the answer?"



Often when I ask God a question, He pretty quickly drops the answer in my heart. But not this time. I went about my day and oddly enough, the situation I was worrying about began to show signs of answers coming!

Fast forward to the next day, I was visiting my tiny little feisty Italian grandma in the hospital who, mind you, needed 5 nurses to get her back in her bed on account of her feistiness...I can't imagine where I get my sass from - but as I was there I saw a quote on the wall that about hit me upside the head!

"A bird doesn't sing because he has the answer, a bird sings because he has a song."

Boom and boom. There was my answer. Like Dory in "Finding Nemo," just keep singing. JUST KEEP SINGING. That is how I give my worry to God. I keep singing. Because, like the bird, I too have a song.

Psalm 40 says, He has put a new song in my mouth—Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the Lord.

God put a song in my mouth already, and when I worry and fret over something I have no control over (which I am finding I don't have control over much which is very hard for this controlling personality. Sheesh. I might need 5 nurses to hold me down too if I can't control something quick. Anyone need their life planned for them? Can I put you on a budget, please? Shall I give you advice on your hair, clearly it needs to be bigger. Anyone?)

But as I allow anxiety to overwhelm me as I worry and contemplate things I can't control, and things I can control, for that matter, all I'm doing is silencing my song. God created me to sing. And what's so awesome about this whole gig God gave me is not only does He create me to sing, but He gives me the song to do it. As I open my mouth and begin to praise Him for what He has done, it's as if each word of praise that flows out of my mouth is a stepping stone to the answer I need!

I'm listening to birds sing right now. They don't have all the answers, they live for the moment. They don't know where their next meal will come from, but they keep singing. They don't know if their eggs will make it past the dangers that the outdoors bring, but they keep singing. They sing at night, they sing in the day, they just keep singing.

So today, as it's the day between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, keep singing. This is the day they waited for Glory to come. They waited to see what would happen. They waited in confusion, despair, hopelessness. But they waited. And oh boy did Glory come!

So as you wait today for the answers that you need, keep singing. Keep your hope fixed on the Glory that's coming and just.keep.singing.