Wednesday, September 25, 2013

And then God spoke.

"I love you." That's what God said to me tonight. And as soon as He whispered it to my soul, a flood of His overwhelming love consumed every part of me. It was an awesome feeling.

Allow me to explain. Tonight at church, Joey asked us all to do something that was a little different. He encouraged everyone there to have a time of silence, no talking out, no music, just silence. He asked that the Holy Spirit would speak something to each individual heart. Let me tell you, it was powerful. The presence of the Lord was so strong. A Holy hush fell in the room. I heard nothing, not a peep. Until He spoke. God spoke. To me. Little old wretched me.

The Lord speaks to everyone in different ways. Some say they hear God clear as a bell. While others say they have an impression or a feeling come over them. While many share a different experience entirely. God's creative that way; He knows how best to communicate to His kids. But with me, it's always a gentle thought that pops in my Spirit; and it's always a thought that I know I could not have conjured up on my own.

That being said, I know God loves me. In fact, just today I was studying His everlasting love in the book of Jeremiah. I know He loves me. So yes, I suppose I could conjur up something like that on my own, that God loves me. But it wasn't me conjuring anything up at all tonight. I wasn't trying to make God say something to me. I simply heeded what Joey said and waited in silence before the Lord.

"I love you." It brings tears to my eyes even now. I know He loves me. I know that He has loved me from the moment He thought of me. I know that He has loved me through the darkest of valleys. I know that He has loved me through the highest of mountains. I know that He has loved me through every negative thing I've said. I know that He has loved me through every disobedient act. I know that He has loved me through every good work. I know that He has loved me just for me. But tonight, I felt it.

You see, the Christian life is a faith-filled life. We walk by faith. And much of the time, that's literally what we go by, our faith. We can't live by our feelings. We can't be moved by what we feel, or what we see, or what we hear. We have to be moved by our faith. And so I march through life knowing that God loves me, by faith. It takes great faith for me to believe that because I know my short comings. I know ME. And so because I know ME, it takes faith to believe that God "loves me with an everlasting love." I accept His love, by faith.

But tonight, I got to feel His love. It was overwhelming. And warm. And un-stoppable. What a great night it was! We stayed in that wonderful presence for a little could hear emotions begin to rise in people as sniffles were heard. I wonder what God was speaking to them? There was a lot of people there tonight and yet God had something specific to say to each person in attendance. That's the creative God we serve.

So tonight, I share this quick thought with anyone that would read it - He loves you. No really - He really, really, really does. It's not cliche. It's not something we say to say it. He loves you. And He loves me. Because He told me so.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tell it girl!

Do you ever talk to yourself? I do. A lot. Probably more than one should. But the good thing about talking to yourself, is that yourself will not tell yourself to stop talking. Yourself will not roll your eyes at yourself. Yourself will not cop attitude with yourself. Yourself will not give yourself an unwanted opinion. Yourself makes sense to yourself therefore you don't have to explain yourself. This all works great until people in Walmart wonder why you are talking to yourself and before you know it, you've made the "People of Walmart" website. I am almost positive you'd find me there. And if you don't, add me. It's about time.

Did you know it's actually Biblical to talk to yourself? Yes, yes it is. King David should also be on the "People of Walmart" website as he talked to himself a lot. Maybe even more than I do.

Psalm 103:1 says, "Bless the Lord oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name!"

King David is talking to himself here. He is telling his soul what to do. We need to do the same thing. We need to speak to ourself, and often times, we need to put our own selves in check.

This scripture shows us exactly what to do! Regardless of whatever I am facing, no matter the level of difficulty, I WILL BLESS THE LORD! I will command my soul to bless the Lord. Everything that is in me, everything that I can possibly have control over, which is my soul, IT WILL BLESS THE LORD. Regardless. Your soul is the one thing you can order around. Nobody can control your soul but you.

Nobody can control your soul but you.

Allow that to sink in. I'll give you a moment...I could use a snack anyhow.

Tell your soul what to do! King David did. I will bless the Lord, OH MY SOUL. He is saying, "Did you get that soul? You are going to bless God today. Sure there are people coming against me from every side. Sure I have made tremendous mistakes. Sure my family is nuts! Sure I have valid justification to be downcast today but hear it loud and clear oh soul of mine, YOU WILL BLESS THE LORD!"

We have got to talk to ourselves all through the day. We gotsta tell our soul what to do. Tell it girl! Did you wake up grumpy? Tell it! Is your marriage in turmoil? Tell it! Do you have promise from God that has not come to pass yet and your soul is falling prey to discouragement? Tell it! Are your finances in reversal, seemingly getting worse? Tell it! Do you have family drama that's cray cray enough to be it's own reality show? Tell it! Tell it! Tell it!

I will bless the Lord OH MY SOUL. No matter what. Period. End of discussion.

I love what follows: "Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: 3 Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, 4 Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, 5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s."

King David goes on to remind his soul of the goodness of God. So not only does he command his own self to get his attitude in check, but he goes on to remind his own self of all the things God ALREADY has done. And if God ALREADY has done tremendous stuff, surely God can get us out of the situation that threatens to take us out right?

So today, no matter what you are facing, and I don't for a second dis-credit the hardship many are facing today...but for today, for this moment, you have control over your soul. You have control over what you tell your soul to do. So in the cray cray's of life, (my 9 year old says that word so I feel the need to as well) in the craziness of this vapor we have here on Earth, tell it girl. Tell your soul what to do. You will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in your mouth! TELL IT!

*Disclaimer* I don't know if there actually is a "People of Walmart" site, though I've heard there is. I don't condone making fun of people that go to Walmart because, well, I go there weekly. If you roll the security tape, you'll see me in anything from dress slacks to pajama's, probably eating something of which I intend to pay for but may perish with hunger if not eaten at that exact moment...and perhaps dancing and/or singing. *End of disclaimer*